Posted on: December 20, 2014

In a recent article, New Hampshire attorney Amy Goodridge creates and analyzes a hypothetical office party scenario where several employees became very intoxicated and a supervisor makes sexually explicit and offensive remarks to a female employee.

Tag: Labor and Employment
Posted on: December 18, 2014

You read that correctly - under certain circumstances, the victims of terrorism may be vulnerable to tort liability.

Tag: Business Ethics, Torts
Posted on: December 17, 2014

In the latest issue of NH Bar News, attorney Anthony Galdieri and law student Owen Graham summarize the present state of the law regarding mandated commercial disclosures:

Tag: Commercial Transactions, Constitutional Law, Consumer Protection, Corporations
Posted on: December 12, 2014

At China Law Blog, Dan Harris writes about a disturbing feature of Chinese law whereby representatives of foreign companies owing money for judgments by Chinese courts may be denied permission to leave the country, essentially being held hostage against their employers' payment of the judgment.  Apparently the Chinese courts are not particular about who is considered a "representative."

Tag: Business Ethics, Commercial Litigation, Comparative Law, Courts, International Law, Legal Theory
Posted on: December 12, 2014

Series LLCs are an innovative form of alternative entity in which in which multiple "series" are incorporated into a single limited liability company. Each series can have different ownership and management structures and own different assets.  The various series are, at least in theory, protected from liabilities incurred by other series within the company.  The series LLC was first enacted in Delaware but has since been adopted in a number of other states.

Tag: Alternative Business Entities, Bankruptcy, Civil Litigation / Civil Procedure, Commercial Litigation, Commercial Transactions, Comparative Law, Contracts, Equity / Chancery, Legal Theory, Limited Liability Companies, Partnerships, Structured Finance, Trust Law, Uniform Commercial Code
