Posted on: January 15, 2015

This matter is before me on the Defendants’ motions to dismiss a complaint sounding in contract, filed by the Plaintiff, Mr. Alfred, pro se. That Complaint is remarkable. It is in my experience a unique example of the pleader’s art.

Tag: Commercial Litigation, Contracts, Equity / Chancery, Technology & Law
Posted on: January 12, 2015 has a feature on common misconceptions laypeople have about intellectual property law.  While not exhaustive, it is useful both for laypeople and for practitioners (who can get insight into errors their clients may fall victim to).

Tag: Intellectual Property, Technology & Law, Torts
Posted on: January 8, 2015

At the New York Business Divorce Blog, Peter Mahler has a retrospective piece looking at the top ten business divorce opinions issued by New York courts in 2014.

Tag: Alternative Business Entities, Commercial Litigation, Contracts, Corporations, Courts, Equity / Chancery, Limited Liability Companies, Partnerships
Posted on: January 8, 2015

Last fall we noted that Plymouth State University (PSU) had eliminated all of its speech codes, earning the highest, “green light” rating from the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE). Business Law Basics co-author and PSU associate professor of business law Sam Brickley led the effort to obtain FIRE’s “green light” rating.

Tag: Constitutional Law
Posted on: January 4, 2015

The Georgia Supreme Court made an interesting statement in footnote 5 of its recent opinion in Raysoni v. Payless Auto Deals, LLC, No. S13G1826, slip op. at 6 n.5 (Ga. Nov. 17, 2014), a case involving allegedly fraudulent claims made during the sale of a used automobile. In the footnote, the court stated:

Tag: Business Ethics, Commercial Litigation, Commercial Transactions, Consumer Protection, Contracts
Posted on: December 30, 2014

More excellent advice from Dan Harris about navigating the business law environment in China. The short version: do not attempt without input from an expert.

Tag: Commercial Transactions, Comparative Law, Contracts, Courts, Intellectual Property, International Law
