Posted on: March 15, 2015

At the New York Labor & Employment Law Report, Joseph Dier analyzes the recent consolidated US Supreme Court decisions in Perez v. Mortgage Bankers Association and Nickols v. Mortgage Bankers Association.

Tag: Administrative Law, Labor and Employment
Posted on: March 12, 2015

At his blog, Richard Bistrong, CEO of Front-Line Anti-Bribery LLC (among other credentials), writes about his experience with the Federal Corrupt Practices Act: "Bribery, Beneficiaries and Guilty Feelings (or lack thereof)." Bistrong has a personal history with this controversial law, having 

Tag: Administrative Law, Business Ethics, Commerce, Commercial Transactions, Comparative Law, Criminal Law, International Law, Legal Ethics, Legislation
Posted on: March 11, 2015

At the Labor and Employment Law Blog, Brendan Begley highlights two recent California state appellate court decisions and cautions employers about problematic language (or failure to include certain language) in arbitration agreements:

Tag: Alternative Dispute Resolution, Civil Litigation / Civil Procedure, Contracts, Labor and Employment
