Posted on: April 11, 2015

In a recent post, Eugene Volokh briefly analyzes a Colorado Civil Rights Division decision that a bakery didn’t discriminate based on religion when it refused to bake a cake with an anti-homosexuality message:

Tag: Administrative Law, Commerce, Constitutional Law, Legislation
Posted on: April 8, 2015

As a follow up to our coverage of Noel B. v. Anna Maria A. (N.Y. Fam. Ct. Sept. 12, 2014), in which a New York family court adopted a very liberal service of process standard, we bring you a piece by Stephanie Gallman at "Divorce by Facebook: New York woman gets OK to file papers online":

Tag: Civil Litigation / Civil Procedure, Courts, Technology & Law
Posted on: March 31, 2015

In the New York Business Divorce blog, Peter Mahler analyzes recent New York case law concerning a waiver of the right of a member of an LLC to maintain a derivative action on behalf of the company.

As Mahler notes, such a provision would be unenforceable in Delaware under Del. C. § 18-109(d), for well-settled reasons: 

Tag: Alternative Business Entities, Civil Litigation / Civil Procedure, Comparative Law, Contracts, Corporations, Equity / Chancery, Fiduciary Duties, Limited Liability Companies, Partnerships
Posted on: March 30, 2015

In “Rethinking Presumed Knowledge of the Law in the Regulatory Age,”[1] Michael Cottone analyzes ignorantia legis, the doctrine that ignorance of the law is no defense, and questions whether it can be justly applied in an age where administrative regulation has made thousands of acts into crimes, including acts which reasonable people might not be expected to know were unlawful:

Tag: Administrative Law, Courts, Criminal Law, Legal Ethics, Legal History, Legal Industry, Legal Theory, Legislation
Posted on: March 28, 2015

New Hampshire recently closed a gap in its laws by amending the criminal code to make financial exploitation of an elderly, disabled, or impaired adult a criminal offense. The amendments became effective at the beginning of this year. In the 18 March 2015 issue of the New Hampshire Bar News, Susan Hollinger summarizes the amendments:

Tag: Criminal Law, Fiduciary Duties, Trust Law, Wills & Estates
Posted on: March 27, 2015

We have posted previously about the emerging field of “space law”—here, here, and here.

Tag: Administrative Law, Commerce, Commercial Transactions, International Law, Legal Industry, Technology & Law, Torts
