Posted on: May 17, 2016

At Instapundit, Greg Lukianoff of the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education announces a new podcast:

Tag: Comparative Law, Constitutional Law
Posted on: May 15, 2016

Business Law Basics co-author Sam Brickley is the recipient of Plymouth State University's 2016 Distinguished Teaching Award. The honor is awarded by the school's students, faculty, staff and alumni for "years of outstanding and dedicated service."

Tag: Professional News
Posted on: May 11, 2016

We previously reported on the Language Creation Society's ("LCS") amicus brief in the case of Paramount Pictures Corporation v. Axanar Productions, Inc.,[1] over whether the artificial, but useable, "Klingon" language could by copyrighted by its o

Tag: Civil Litigation / Civil Procedure, Courts, Intellectual Property
Posted on: May 7, 2016

We have posted many times about the problems in and facing legal education—e.g., here. But a bright spot in legal education is the University of New Hampshire School of Law (UNH Law). In an article in the New Hampshire Bar News, Kristen Senz explains:

Tag: Consumer Protection, Legal Industry, Legal Theory
Posted on: May 2, 2016

We at Business Law Basics caution the reader against following any of the links in this article, unless you have both the time and inclination to be sucked down a rabbit-hole of wiki-sites and other curiosities.  You have been warned.

Tag: Courts, Intellectual Property
Posted on: April 27, 2016

Beginning in 2017 (for 2016 tax returns), the IRS is changing its income tax return filing deadlines:

Old deadlines:

  • C Corporations: March 15
  • S Corporations: March 15
  • Partnerships: April 15
  • Individuals: April 15

New deadlines:

Tag: Administrative Law, Taxation
