Posted on: November 22, 2016

This case summary was prepared in substantial part by Matthew Arnold.

Tag: Civil Litigation / Civil Procedure, Courts, Equity / Chancery
Posted on: November 20, 2016

As recently reported in the New Hampshire Bar News, there has been a big drop in state court cases:

Tag: Appeals, Civil Litigation / Civil Procedure, Commercial Litigation, Courts, Legal Industry
Posted on: November 15, 2016

Bound by Law, a comic book primer on copyright law created by the Duke Law School Center for the Study of the Public Domain, is available for free download.  

From the description:

Tag: Administrative Law, Civil Litigation / Civil Procedure, Contracts, Intellectual Property
Posted on: November 8, 2016

Litigating the Business Divorce (BNA 2016) is now available for pre-order from the Bloomberg BNA website. The book is co-authored by Business Law Basic author and Berger Harris partner Brian Gottesman.

From the publisher's description:

Tag: Alternative Business Entities, Alternative Dispute Resolution, Business Ethics, Civil Litigation / Civil Procedure, Commercial Litigation, Commercial Transactions, Comparative Law, Contracts, Corporations, Courts, Equity / Chancery, Fiduciary Duties, Legal Industry, Limited Liability Companies, Partnerships, Professional News
Posted on: October 31, 2016

[Cross-posted from]

Business Law Basics co-author and Berger Harris partner Brian Gottesman was named among Delaware’s top 200 lawyers for 2016 by Delaware Today, one of only six attorneys named in the category of contract law.

Tag: Contracts, Legal Industry, Professional News
Posted on: October 31, 2016

In the New Hampshire Bar News, Jennifer Parent offers some practical tips on dealing with employee disability leave requests.

Tag: Administrative Law, Labor and Employment
