This blog post was prepared in substantial part by Ciara Sprance
Posts for "Legislative Analysis" filter
Executive Summary
Executive Summary
The Corporate Law Section of the Delaware State Bar Association has proposed a number of amendments to the Delaware Limited Liability Comp
At the Connolly Gallagher blog, our friend and former colleague Tim Holly analyzes HB 1, which has been signed into law and which goes into effect later this year:
In the New Hampshire Business Review, Edie Allard discusses the confusing state forms for benefit corporations that have led to accidental filings.
At the Connolly Gallagher blog, our friend and former colleague Tim Holly has an update regarding Delaware HB 1, and some detailed analysis regarding changes made in response to concerns raised by industry gro
In the New Hampshire Bar News, Mark Broth and Anna Cole explain the repercussions of New Hampshire’s “constitutional carry” legislation (repealing RSA 159:4 and amending
In a research paper on the Cato Institute website, Jennifer Doleac and Benjamin Hansen summarize their analysis of statistical discrimination and e